Vainglory bluestacks lag
Vainglory bluestacks lag

Know that it can take a minute for your router to start back up again, that's normal. This can be done by unplugging the devices, waiting 30 seconds, then plugging them back in. If you have a cable connection, also restart your cable modem. Also make sure that there aren't any cloud services syncing or working in the background on your device or other devices on your network.įinally: Restart your router. Try turning off streaming services for music, movies, etc or playing when others on the network are not utilizing these.

vainglory bluestacks lag

Turn off any/all bluetooth devices in the nearby area, as these are known to somewhat interfere with wifi connectivity. If a port is closed, it's likely for a good reason, but it doesn't hurt to ask. If any of these are closed it may adversely affect your gameplay, and you'll need to talk to your ISP about the issue. Make sure ports 80 (for http) and port 443 (for https), and all ports in the range of 6000-80 are open on your router as these are the ports Vainglory will use. They will likely try to weasel their way out of upgrading you, but it's not impossible to get improvements from asking a few good questions!) If it does, bring up the issue with them. Test your wifi speed a few times throughout the day on several days to get an idea of what kind of service you are receiving (This may differ from what your ISP tells you they will give you. Visit or look up their apps in the App store native to your device.

vainglory bluestacks lag

Play on wifi (cellular connection can be sketchy), and physically move closer to your router if need be. Here's some things to try to eliminate lag from your side of the equation:

vainglory bluestacks lag

Most cases of lag are on your own end, but some server lag has been a part of Vainglory for a while.

Vainglory bluestacks lag